Saturdays at Syd’s the FIRST Saturday of Each Month
The Gallery will be hosted by exhibiting artists.
SAT, APR 5, 3-4pm Art in the Park celebration
MAAA Art Gallery at Syd’s
- The region’s largest local art gallery! 25+ artists, 3+ rooms, 100 works in watercolor, oil, acrylic, pastel, pen & ink and mixed media. Originals and reproductions, notecards. Many favorite Art in the Park artists exhibit here year-round!
- New member artists are encouraged to join the ongoing exhibit as it changes every four to six months.

Spring Meeting
Demo by John Traynor
SAT, MAR 8, 2025
Hannah Grimes Business Center, Roxbury Street, Keene
Free and open to the public
• Introducing a new business model for MAAA
• Refreshments provided by Kate and Sue Beetle, sure to be out of this world
• Swap Table: Clean out your studio and help another member by bringing items to “swap.”
• Demo by Impressionist John Traynor

In the comfort of Jeanne Maguire Thieme’s warm and welcoming studio in Swanzey, NH, MAAA members can participate in monthly Critiques led by Jeanne herself.
- Artists in all visual media are invited
- Group size is limited to 7 each month
- Each participant brings 1-2 pieces for discussion
- Participants can expect encouragement, feedback, support and suggestions
- Attendees may contribute potluck snacks, tea provided
- No fee to attend but registration is required.
Next session February 27, 2025.

Painting Into the Light
SAT, JAN 25 through SAT, MAR 1, 2025
10AM—12 Noon
Mary Iselin’s Studio in Marlborough, NH
$90 MAAA member
$120 non-member
At this time of year, we all need to spend time with our friends and with our art. It is a great time of year to get a lot done, but it is oftne hard to do it! In thei six-week series of gatherings, we aill think about those millions of ideas we’ve always wanted to explore but somehow never got around to. We’ll choose one of them; then we’ll make an agreement with ourselves to produce (hopefully) one painting per week. Then we’ll actually do it! Jump in and produce! We’ll get together at Mary’s studio, to kindly critique the work and discuss pertinent art topics, once a week.
Mary taught this class for ten years at the Sharon Arts Center. It was called Out of the Rut, Kick in the Butt and it got everyone juiced up and producing. All mediums and levels welcome. There will be some room to work but most of the work will be done at home. Class size limited to 10.

Spring and Fall Meetings
Twice a year the association gathers for meetings, usually at Hannah Grimes Center on Roxbury Street in Keene. Programs include updates on association business, workshops, demonstrations and socializing with other members. Refreshments are provided and the get-togethers are free and open to the public.
Member Exhibits
Periodically, Monadnock Area Artists Association members have opportunities to exhibit at unscheduled shows. In 2024, the association invited members to join the July show at the Crowell Gallery in Newfane, VT. This event was volunteer-led and we welcome initiatives like this.