Art in the Park
LABOR DAY WEEKEND Saturday, August 30, and Sunday, August 31, 2025 • Free admission, free parking
A Quintessential
New England
Outdoor Art Show
Art in the Park has not changed noticeably in character since it began 60+ years ago. In Keene’s most scenic park, about 80 talented artists pitch their popup tents and display their work in a natural, relaxed atmosphere. During the last days of summer, the park is a lovely setting for strolling through the displays, or a river walk… or possibly a picnic on the river bank.
Are you an artist interested in exhibiting?
Click the button below to learn more.
Talented artists from the Monadnock Region and beyond gather to display and sell their works created in oils, acrylics, watercolors, pen and ink, pastels, colored pencils, printmaking, sculpture, photography/digital art and mixed media. Artists pledge to tend their tents in order to meet and greet the public. These connections are encouraged, benefiting visitors and artists alike and helping build greater understanding and appreciation of the arts. For the greater Keene community, the event is an annual tradition; locals turn out faithfully for this inspiring celebration of art and artists.
Talented artists from the Monadnock Region and beyond gather to display and sell their works
Enjoy the music festival, too!
The Saturday of Labor Day weekend is also the scheduled day for the Keene Music Festival, held nearby in Downtown Keene, featuring dozens of musical acts across genres. Many people choose to walk between the events and enjoy both.
In addition to originals, artists customarily offer less-expensive reproductions as well as gift items and note cards. Most artists accept credit cards, venmo and/or a cash app to make purchasing convenient. It is a beautiful thing to see people return to visit their favorite artists year after year, possibly adding to their collections, surely building on relationships and friendships.
In addition to originals, artists customarily offer less-expensive reproductions
Separate drawings for our raffle are conducted on Saturday and Sunday during Art in the Park weekend. With the purchase of a ticket, you choose which artist’s art you would like to win. If your ticket is drawn, you get to take home the designated work by your favorite artist and the artist is reimbursed by the association for the value of his/her/their artwork. It is a very popular win/win program generating funds which help Monadnock Area Artists Association bestow annual Scholarships to high school students nominated by their faculty.
Artists register to participate in judging in six categories:
- Water-Media (watercolor, acrylic, gouache),
- Oil,
- Pastel, Charcoal,
- Pen and Ink, Colored Pencil, and Original Printmaking,
- Photography/Digital Art,
- Sculpture, Mixed Media and Collage.
1 Mary Iselin
2 Nancy Christopher
3 Liane Whittum
Pen & Ink, Colored Pencil
1 Tina Gagnon
2 Liz Winchester-Larson
3 Michael Robie
Water Media
1 Sue Ann Hum
2 Bill Whyte
3 Jeanne Maguire Thieme
Sculpture, Mixed Media
1 Brendan Lada
2 Thom Cassotta
3 Deb Mathews
1 Samuel Elliott
2 Sarah Oak
3 David Olmstead
Student Work
1. Ben Etzweiler
Honorable Mention
Briana Moody
1 Phil Bean
2 Luci Lesmerises
3 Kate Beetle
Pen & Ink, Colored Pencil
1 Bob Askey
2 Liz Winchester-Larson
3 Tina S, Gagnon
Water Media
1 Jeanne Maguire Thieme
2 Wendi Hulslander
3 Richard Brown
Sculpture, Mixed Media
1 Ryan Curtis
2 Jackie Griswold
3 Thom Cassotta
1 Sarah Oak
2 Samuel Elliott
3 Lugene Spalding
Event Location:
Ashuelot River Park
273 West Street
Keene, NH 03431
Visitor Information
- Admission is free
- Plenty of free parking
- Portalets on site
- Refreshments for sale
- Jenna’s Market & Deli nearby for lunch
- Fundraiser for Keene High Tennis Club