to Monadnock Area
Artists Association
Artists, students and supporters of the arts—all are welcome to be part of our all-volunteer effort to foster and promote the visual arts in the greater Monadnock Region.

MAAA Membership Benefits
$25 Membership Dues
Annual membership dues for MAAA have been held at $25 for years, making it affordable for all. High school student memberships are $15.
Art in the Park Discounted Exhibit Fee
By joining MAAA, members may exhibit at Art in the Park for $50 less than non-members.
Monthly e-Newsletter
Exhibit Opportunities
Members are encouraged to exhibit at the MAAA Art Gallery at Syd's as well as juried shows announced during the year.
Critiques with Care, Workshops and Other Support
In addition to Spring and Fall Meetings offering presentations and socializing, MAAA volunteers offer other workshops and programs including our new Critiques with Care.
PR & Promotions
Traditional and social media exposure promote the organization and its members throughout the year and ramps up ahead of Art in the Park.

Who can join
The only requirements for membership are being of high school age or older, combined with an interest in the fine arts. Member artists work in a wide variety of media, styles and subject matter. All are welcome. Supporters of the arts including suppliers and collectors are encouraged to join us. You do not need to live in the Monadnock Region to be a member; in fact, we have longtime members who reside in MA, VT and beyond.
How to join
It’s easy to join Monadnock Area Artists Association! Fill out the online application and pay by Paypal. Online payment streamlines the membership process by keeping track of your anniversary date and other membership information. Annual dues (Membership year starts from your date of payment):
$15 for High School students
$25 for artists or supporters
Membership Renewals
Before your membership anniversary date, you will receive notices inviting you to renew. The renewal process is simple online. Annual dues (Membership year starts from your date of payment):
$15 for High School students
$25 for artists or supporters