Wendi Hulslander

I visualize the finished painting before I even start. I  take out the paint and just paint.  I work with acrylic paint because it’s fast drying . I am not a patient person so I need results fast and  acrylic paint dries fast so you can move on to the next layer sooner than if you had to wait for oil to dry.

Q&A with Wendi Hulslander

How would you describe your background?

I am an “Outsider” artist. I have no formal education in art, I did not go to college for art or anything else for that matter.  I went straight to work and haven’t stopped yet.

I would however describe myself as self educated, as I have always preferred reading self help/improvement books over socializing.

I remember running to art class in high school.. I couldn’t wait to get there and once I got there the 1 hour class went so fast I was seriously upset that I had to go and study Mathematics , History or English ..none of which I could grasp an interest in.

I have been creating my entire life, I just didn’t realize that I was an artist. I honestly didn’t even know being an artist was a thing..
I’ve   always had visions of paintings.. I still do.. wherever I go, whatever I do, I am constantly “seeing ” a painting.  Once you realize you can paint , nothing is the same.. You walk in a vivid world of opportunity.. Every flower garden that grows,  each twinkle of ocean water,  a city scene in front of you, a homeless person on the street or dogs in a golf cart… they are all potential paintings. My mind is constantly composing.

When did you know you wanted to be an artist?

I am still not sure I want to be an artist!
Problem is … I am one..
I struggle with what I am supposed to do with this gift.  So I  paint and  I force myself to finish paintings..  not so much for me, but because I know others enjoy them. I find the process exhausting but addicting. It’s rewarding to go from nothing to something..  it’s a process of failing forward.   At least for me because I teach myself.

What would surprise people to learn about you?

My best selling paintings came from the most horrifying sad moments in my life..
If analyzed , my original city scenes I am sure have tears dried up into the paint.

How would you describe your art to someone who has never seen it?

Well, I taught myself to paint on a 48 inch by 48 inch giant canvas.  I Chose an “architectural ” scene.  Later on I learned that is the most difficult and challenging subject matter that just about every artist avoids.  But, if I had to describe it.. my earlier art is close to photo realism. Consisting of historical  city of Keene ( my home town) scenes such as the Ye goodie shop  on Main St, Timoleans city block, the Wyman Tavern and Ashuelot River park.
I also paint when I am away in the tropics. I have many tropical island paintings.

I also tend to paint giraffes..  I still am not sure why giraffes are in so many of my paintings.. lol

What achievements in the area of art are you proudest of?

I have won multiple awards at the annual Art in the Park .
I have and continue to sell many  paintings and professional prints of my originals.

How would you describe your art process?

I visualize the finished painting before I even start. I  take out the paint and just paint.  I work with acrylic paint because it’s fast drying . I am not a patient person so I need results fast and  acrylic paint dries fast so you can move on to the next layer sooner than if you had to wait for oil to dry.

With that being said, my original city scenes were not fast.. I have well over 200 hours into each of them.

What is your usual studio/working day like?

I own and manage apartments for a living. It is pure hell and highly stressful. I find a little bit of happiness when I transform a run down apartment into a beautiful apartment. 

I find it hard to paint as I am still working and not able to give painting the time it deserves.

What is the most delightful part of your life outside of work?

Inspiring and helping anyone that wants my  advice on real estate investing.
Inspiring and helping anyone that wants my help being creative.
Setting a good example by volunteering and doing charitable work.
Being a positive person.
Working hard and smart.
Spending time with my grand children.
Traveling the world with my amazing partner and painting it!